There are many moments in life when even if they are having an amazing love story ... they just act as enemies by the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

It is so weird that even when we experience those amazing vibes of a great relationship ... in continuous form ... even then ... we still have moments when ... acting illogically ... we somehow create the impression ... we are enemies.

... a total nonsense.

But maybe ... all is because we don't really know to make understand our partners ... what we like, what we dislike, what we hate ... and what we expect.

So ... all becomes an emotional balance ... seeing contradictory things.

And even if into the beginning we pretend we don't see ... or not clearly see what is going on ... later on we don't find the strength to pretend anymore.

Still smiling ... we say ... "My dear ... i really don't like when you do that!" ... then "My love ... i just hate that" ... and then ... one day ... screaming ... "Damn it! Stop it! I had enough! I've told you one million times i hate you to do


that! ... i had ENOUGH! What the hell you don't understand?!"

The argue itself ... becomes almost ... a fight ... and the lovers become ... enemies.

The other partner ... suddenly remembers all what dislikes and ... in fact ... all becomes a non ending charade of ... reproaches.

Later on ... remembering they actually love each other ... they just stop it.

They kiss ... make love ... and pretend nothing happened.

It's actually the proof ... that love is stronger than ... all the things we dislike at our partners.

Unfortunately ... the passing of time ... shows us that those ugly moments of arguing ... are randomly repeated.

It's all ... like a ... time bomb.

All is ok ... or looks ok ... and then ... energy of the connection just .... explodes.

The dynamic of the relationship ... get worser than that .... cause the intensity of those ugly repeated moments ... becomes stronger and stronger.

And ... we see that much often.

Actually ... all is so, so obvious that we can't pretend anymore .... that things don't work out as we want.

We like that person ... even adore ... but ...

Yes ... there is a long, long list of ... but ... but ... but ...

All induce a stronger and stronger emotional balance ... so that one day ... we realise all is just ... ruined.

Dominated by all sorts of frustrations .... not being able to digest them anymore ... both ours or the frustrations of the 


partner ... we can't find anymore the power to continue.

In fact we feel ... it's useless.

Can't really understand what the hell happened that the dynamic of the relationship changed so much ... seeing how we metamorphose from great lovers ... to enemies which are hurting each other ... a lot.

Somehow ... it's all ... ridiculous.

... a total nonsense ... which nobody can't understand.

Well ... most certainly it's all related to the disability of the human being of practicing acceptance into continuous form ... but ... we are simple incapable of changing anything.

And ... we fail ...

Then ... we just accept failing ...

The breakup itself ... is inevitable.

It's part of the process ...

Into the end we can just conclude that even love stories .... like any other love story ... have a beginning, the story itself ... and unfortunately ... an end.

The real proof ... that all is ... temporary.


Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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